Handyman Advice
Home Maintenance Basics

Tools to have in your basic tool box.
Suggested basic tools to start working on your projects:
This is what I have in my tool bucket (can be purchased at most any hardware or home improvement store).
Level One
When starting out, always purchase a good grade tool. Cheap tools make you frustrated when they break, or don’t work.
Hammer. Start with one feels good in your hand, not a “framers” hammer to start
Set of screw drivers, at least 2-4 sizes of slot drivers and 3 Phillips drivers
Two pair of good pliers, 1 channel lock, and 1 regular pliers
Two or three sizes of Crescent wrenches
Tape measure and yard stick
Utility knife
Hand saw
Coping saw if you plan to do small decorative projects
Flash light
Basic assortment of screws. I have a compartment box to keep them separated
Cordless drill plus an assortment of bits. Metal bits work fine on wood
Level. Levels come in all sizes and prices. Cheap ones work just as well.
Vice grips, a great addition to any tool box
Level two
Now you have a little experience, and want to get more involved with high level projects. It is recommended that you purchase a good book that that gives you step by step illustrations on home improvement and hobbies.
Recommended tools:
Portable electric screw driver with an assortment of bits.
Stud finder. Basically inexpensive and easy to use
Sander. This depends on the level of woodworking you plan to do.
Caulking gun
Putty knives. An assortment is good to have on hand
Sand paper assortment depending on your projects
Wood chisels. Can be purchase in an assortment
Nail puller. Again any number are available depending on you need
Level three
Now you are getting into tools that almost require a shop to house. Basic tools can be purchased for a few hundred dollars. Lets start with the basics.
Radial arm saw
Table saw
Cutoff saw (chop saw)
Drill press
Air compressor
Combination square
Wood clamps
Level four
Now you are moving into “big time” home improvement and hobbies.
Power Washer
Airless paint sprayer
Wood plainer
Electric plainer
Electric sander
Level 5
Now you are getting into a phase that depends on how much you want to invest. There are a great number of tools on the market that will support your ambition.
Home repairĀ
Suggested basic tools to start working on your projects:
This is what I have in my tool bucket (can be purchased at most any hardware or home improvement store).
When starting out, always purchase a good grade tool. Cheap tools make you frustrated when they break, or don’t work.
Hammer. Start with one feels good in your hand, not a “framers” hammer to start
Set of screw drivers, at least 2-4 sizes of slot drivers and 3 Phillips drivers
Two pair of good pliers, 1 channel lock, and 1 regular pliers
Two or three sizes of Crescent wrenches
Tape measure and yard stick
Utility knife
Hand saw
Coping saw if you plan to do small decorative projects
Flash light
Basic assortment of screws. I have a compartment box to keep them separated
Cordless drill plus an assortment of bits. Metal bits work fine on wood
Level. Levels come in all sizes and prices. Cheap ones work just as well.
Vice grips, a great addition to any tool box
Level two
Now you have a little experience, and want to get more involved with high level projects. It is recommended that you purchase a good book that that gives you step by step illustrations on home improvement and hobbies.
Recommended tools:
Portable electric screw driver with an assortment of bits.
Stud finder. Basically inexpensive and easy to use
Sander. This depends on the level of woodworking you plan to do.
Caulking gun
Putty knives. An assortment is good to have on hand
Sand paper assortment depending on your projects
Wood chisels. Can be purchase in an assortment
Nail puller. Again any number are available depending on you need
Level three
Now you are getting into tools that almost require a shop to house. Basic tools can be purchased for a few hundred dollars. Lets start with the basics.
Radial arm saw
Table saw
Cutoff saw (chop saw)
Drill press
Air compressor
Combination square
Wood clamps
Level four
Now you are moving into “big time” home improvement and hobbies.
Power Washer
Airless paint sprayer
Wood plainer
Electric plainer
Electric sander
Level 5
Now you are getting into a phase that depends on how much you want to invest. There are a great number of tools on the market that will support your ambition. If you are looking for a professional handyman then contact Mr. Handyman Today.